Friday, April 12, 2013

Drunkorexia covers

This past week I had covers due, and the story was Drunkorexia. Basically it was about girls who don't eat/eat less calories during they day so they can consume more calories in liquor form later.

I can't decide if designing all of these alcohol related stories is driving me to drink, or if I never want to look at another bottle of liquor ever again.

I really loved this look so there are several versions of it.

this idea just didn't quite pan out like i thought it would.

slight improvement.

i really liked this one best, i wish i would have used the hed of "you are what you drink" instead.

this was created because i am out of other ideas.

i was a little surprised that this was chosen as the one for me to keep working on. 

but also, this feature was moved to a later week so i have a bit more time to work on it. which is good, i'll need the extra time.

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