Sunday, April 28, 2013

Design Rules (According to ME): Part 2

My creative, albeit ginger, friend/roommate Kaitlin had a post on her Small Things blog about her design rules. Thought it might be nice to do the same. But I have a lot to say, so I'm splitting into several posts. This is about fonts.

fonts to use
if you are new to picking out typefaces, here are some of my favorites as a starting off point. 

sans serif:

fonts to not use

for one reason or another, i have seen these fonts TOO MANY TIMES, and i'm sick of them. or they are widely regarded as awful.

UGH. i hate script fonts. almost always. i think there are places where they are appropriate, but usually it just bugs me. it makes it look like a wedding invitation to me. usually they are completely unreadable. 

<who can even read that?!

a note about novelty
here's the thing about novelty fonts. there's a time and a place for them. if you have something that is really high concept and you have an appropriate novelty font to go with it, fine. but that's rare. usually i just see novelty fonts and think, "WHYY?!" it ends up looking so kitchy. 
some examples:

 this one doesn't bother me as much. i could see it being used appropriately in a story headline about instructions or moving or directionality.

this has no godly purpose on earth.

serif and sans serifa pairing of the two is a necessity. serif fonts in body copy are best for readability, paired with a nice clean sans serif headline.

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