Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Response to a poster

I've noticed people LOVE redesigning movie posters. Makes sense, you love movies, you love design, combine the love and make yourself something nice.

But there are far more bad ones than good ones out there.

For example, this one.

Sorry I don't know how to rotate photos on blogger. 
I love Inglourious Basterds. It's a great movie with lots of memorable moments you could create a minimalist poster with, such as one of its actual posters. Or this one. Or this one. Or this one, or here or here. As you can see, I think there are a lot of effective ways to make a poster for this film. The above poster is not one of them.

This poster ends up looking like the Kill Bill poster, another Quentin Tarantino movie. Perhaps there were purposefully trying for that, but I don't understand why. It's confusing two different films from different genres. While they are both Tarantino signature violent, they don't have much else in common, and it makes this seem like lazy and senseless design.

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