Thursday, May 2, 2013

Starbucks stickers

Recently at work, I had to do some deep cleaning of the back room and these stickers fell off the shelves. More well-designed Starbucks branding!
Our 3 most popular dark roasts. Interesting that they are all represented by animals.

The rest of the dark roasts. I like Gold Coast's art deco look, but I don't like it as much in the french roast design. Not as well executed, lacks purpose. I can't say I'm crazy about the Italian Roast font, but it fits with the idea. And I like the idea of a little vespa there instead of doing the leaning tower of Pisa or something like that.

Medium/regular blends. I LOOOVE the iced coffee design, so cute and summery. The other three go together nicely, and it is the classic/throwback Starbucks branding, but I like what its moved more towards now. 

Holiday blends and Guatemala Antigua. I've always been a fan of Starbucks' Christmas branding. It's fun and festive. 

While I'm talking about coffee branding, I came across this picture.

Is it just me, or is everyone and their mother using these two fonts, and especially together? I'm sick of seeing them both. It's not original or cool anymore. Blah, I'm font fatigued.

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