Thursday, January 24, 2013

Photo inspiration of the week

Found this hard cider called Original Sin, and fell in love with the logo. First you see the initials, then the incorporation of the snake and apple theme. Brilliant!


  1. Hey Abbie,

    I thought I would post on your blog first, then I looked at your page and saw this photo. I completely agree that this logo is genius. It's amazing the lengths advertisers will go to get the product to look the best it can, and I think this logo did this product justice.
    Everybody knows [well a lot of people] this idea and reference and I think it helps this product's image. It's old-fashioned, but the whole drinking, sinful thing applies and they transform the idea into an updated, fun logo.
    I tip my hat to you for finding this nice design logo while enjoying your night out.

  2. This logo is a really interesting example of using a famous idea to resonate with the reader. The type, design, and tone are all getting across the same message, and that is a feat. Interesting choice for inspiration! I'll have to keep my eye out for this brand of cider.

    - Felicia
